Trial By Fire - Surviving the Workplace After College

If you are about to graduate college, or you have recently graduated, and are getting ready to enter the engineering workforce, I first of all want to congratulate you, and second I want to ask you to be prepared for your world to be turned upside down. Right about now, you are probably feeling like you're on top of the world, right? You've studied for 4 or more years, you've amassed a huge wealth of knowledge, you can solve problems and take tests like a champ, and you've got a piece of paper with your name and degree on it to prove it. So you're ready for the real world, right? Wrong. You are currently standing on what I like to call the "knowledge cliff." Allow me to illustrate what I mean using a handy dandy paint graph: Note that I'm not the first one to think of this, but I couldn't find the original source, so I drew my own. Anyway, I feel the diagram is self-explanatory, but just in case: what you think you know after colleg...